who am I?
There is an excerpt from Faulkner’s Light in August that I quite like:
His shirt was soiled but it was a white shirt, and he wore a tie and a stiffbrim straw hat that was quite new, cocked at an angle arrogant and baleful above his face. He did not look like a professional hobo in his professional rags, but there was something definitely rootless about him, as though no town or city was his, no street, no walls, no square of earth his home. And that he carried this knowledge with him always as though it was a banner, with a quality ruthless, lonely and almost proud.
This does not describe me in any way.
You can get in touch with me by either sending a message to slowriot@thangmle.net or using the form below.
Until then, “I hope we’ll meet in a world of peace and freedom… if the accident will”.